You want to feel good. You want to have vibrant energy. You desire your emotions to be stable and you desire to hold a positive outlook on life. But, is that really your current life experience?


If you are being totally honest with yourself, you are willing to admit that it is not. And you are not alone!


You feel tired, overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out and are probably experiencing some physical symptoms to go along with it; such as insomnia, body aches, adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, etc. and so forth.


You may know what you must to do bring your life back into balance, but you are finding it difficult – if not impossible – to take the steps you know you need to take. You're busy. You have your job, your kids, your friends and other obligations and because of all of that, you often put yourself last. Does this sound familiar?


I so get it! I've been there and I still find myself there on occasion, but I also know from my own experience that if you don't slow down, listen, and respect yourself and your need for balance, you won't create a life of vibrant energy, optimal physical health, and a positive, joyful, loving mindset.


You live in a world of modern conveniences and quick fixes which does not provide lasting solutions for true health and vitality. To be truthful, it's NOT convenient to maintain health today. It's much easier to pop a pill than it is to go after the true emotional cause of your dis-ease. But vigilance is required here. You must turn off the chatter and tune in to what really matters. You may not be able to make all of the stress disappear, but you most certainly can change the way you deal with it! It requires a change in thought and a change in lifestyle. It involves making yourself your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.


So, where do you begin, and not feel selfish for indulging in self care?


  1. It's time to understand that self care is a necessity and not an option! If you don't take care of yourself, you don't have the reserves to take care of anyone else. When you keep giving from a place of depletion, you feel taken for granted, resentful, and angry – and who wants to feel like that? When you replenish your energy, you have more to give and you can give with ease, joy, and unconditional love – which feels so much better, doesn't it?

  2. Begin engaging in simple self care each day. Do whatever it is that has you feeling good every single day- even if it is only for 5 minutes and even if you need to lock yourself in the bathroom to do it! For me, I enjoy moving my body – dance – as of you didn't Put on a song that you love and let your body move!

  3. Nourish yourself! Eat well. Eat foods that increase your energy, not deplete your energy. Choose whole foods, organic when possible and eliminate or at least limit processed convenience foods.

  4. Take the time to eat! Give yourself permission to enjoy the food you consume. Sit down at the table without distractions. Focus on the meal and each other. Savor the flavors, the textures and engage in pleasant conversation with your family. Make mealtime a time of sacred pleasure.

  5. Get plenty of sleep! Sleep is critical to your body's ability to repair and heal. Have a reasonable bed time. Take naps during the day if you need to – really, the chores will wait. If you have trouble sleeping, take the time to rest and breathe deeply.

  6. Ask for what you need! You don't have to do everything alone. Ask for the help you need – whether it's asking your neighbor to watch your kids so you can nap or asking your partner or children to help with meal preparation. Ask!

  7. Allow yourself to receive. Do not be embarrassed to receive help. People love to feel helpful. You weren't meant to do everything all by yourself. You were meant to live in a community where there is give and take. Giving makes people feel good and by denying them the opportunity to give to YOU, you undermine their need to give and feel good!

  8. Bask in gratitude and appreciation. Even when you are feeling low, there are still things to appreciate. Expressing gratitude and appreciation for the little things helps to be more aware of the larger things and of course, Law of Attraction brings you even more to appreciate.




Call to Action


My mentor's request is that you begin some sort of self care practice. You can choose to follow the steps outlined above or create something totally aligned with you. What is important here is that you do SOMETHING to take care of YOU!


It's time to stop waiting for something outside of yourself to validate your value! You are your own best asset. You are the divine in expression. You are worthy of self care – in fact, it's a moral imperative! Remember, this isn't an option – it's a necessity! If you don't value yourself enough to take care of yourself, how can you expect anyone else to value you? I would love to hear what practices you put in place. Feel free to reach out and share if you feel so led.


Until Next Time...