I was widowed at the age of 42. My husband passed suddenly and unexpectedly. We were married for 17 years and together for 20 years. We had 3 daughters for whom I was now solely responsible. I felt victimized, cheated, powerless, overwhelmed, stressed-out, under qualified, angry, lost, unlovable, and had no sense of who I was anymore. I was so defined as part of a couple, who was I now that I was alone? Where was the Elaine that I knew? I no longer recognized the woman in the mirror. So here I was, suddenly a single parent, with no income and all I could think about was when would I awaken from this nightmare?
I also wondered if there was something wrong with me because I was so emotional. I felt his loss so deeply that my chest physically hurt. I truly knew what it meant to have a “broken heart”. I cried oceans of tears that seemed never ending and not just when he died but throughout most of my life. Music, books, live performances would move me to tears. I would cry at movies without even having seen the entire film! And don’t get me started on TV shows. I walk into a room and can just feel when something is “off”. I could never put my finger on why. I also had many experiences of “knowing” something was going to happen. I always heard, “Stop being so emotional!” “You take things way too personally!” and of course, children called me a “cry baby” growing up (and for all I know, people still may behind my back).
My husband’s passing was the catalyst that began my quest for answers. I needed to know what the point to all of “this” was and I knew that I wanted to have a life but had no clue how to do it. I wanted to know that he was alright and yet I was so angry with him for leaving me. I also wanted to understand why I was so emotional and what this whole “knowing” was all about. While I believed in God, I no longer felt an affiliation with any organized religion and to say I had “issues” with God at that point is an understatement.
My quest for information and support led me to various courses of study. I studied Mediumship. I became a Certified Chios Master Teacher, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and became ordained in the process.
I was also exposed to an amazing concept: “We create our own reality”. In hearing that I became intrigued. There was a sense of magic about it. As I learned more about the laws of the Universe, particularly the Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration, and Law of Polarity, I discovered a resonance with it that I had never felt about anything else prior. I also came upon the work of Dr. Elaine Aaron and the Highly Sensitive Person. Finally, an answer as to why I was the way I was and that there was NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I just have a more sensitive nervous system. Whew! I discovered coaching and facilitating women's circles and knew I had found my calling. In discovering my own Inner Goddess after my husband’s passing and my highly sensitive nature and how to manage it, I knew I had to help other sensitive women discover theirs as well! To me, it’s a moral imperative. Because you are sensitive, you frequently experience procrastination and overwhelm and don’t really understand why. In fact, if the threat of overwhelm exists you may even shut down completely and do nothing at all. You carry so much emotional baggage that you either haven’t released or think you have but have underestimated the hold that baggage has over you. You’ve forgotten your own uniqueness and magnificence – including your sensitive nature. You have forgotten that you are a GODDESS! You operate more from your shadow of perfectionism instead of relying on your highly sensitive strengths of empathy and intuition. You’ve forgotten just how powerful you truly are! And THAT is what I am passionate about mentoring you to remember, that each and every one of you are Divine. You have the power of the Divine within you! You create your experience, whether you know it or not. It’s just that most of you create by default rather than at a conscious, deliberate level.
I also re-ignited my love affair with dance and began studying belly dance. Once dance was back in my blood, I was drawn to a concept entitled Conscious Dance. I had been using dance in my workshops and circles organically so I became a certified Conscious Dance Facilitator in June of 2019! What a natural addition to my work! In 2020, I discovered Body Groove and the Groove DANCEfloor. This methodology has a little structure to it but is still a "dance it YOUR way" art and I was hooked.
My mission is to mentor Sensitive Seasoned Widows to Remember Who they truly Are and the magic they possess, Stand in their Authenticity and Divine Feminine Energies, Use their Voice and Speak their Truth, and fall unapologetically back in love with themselves so they can live the life they came here to live! It’s time to DANCE™ with Pleasure and Possibilities! Will you join the DANCE™?
I offer various different programs both individually and in groups. The work that I do is for the person who is 100% committed to their own growth and development and is willing to do whatever needs to be done to invest in their personal transformation. They understand that the investment in themselves sends an energetic message to the Universe which, in turn, sets in motion energy where all aspects of their life shifts and improves.
Trainings and Qualifications:
The World Groove Movement Advanced Facilitator Level 1 and 2 2022
The World Groove Movement Groove FIT Facilitator 2021
The World Groove Movement Young At Heart Enrichment 2021
The World Groove Movment The Groove Method™ Facilitator 2020
Natural Rythyms Conscious Dance Facilitator 2019
Rapid Coaching Academy 2012
Rapid Coaching Academy Weight Loss 2012
Rapid Coaching Academy Relationship 2012
Global Sciences Foundation Basic Law of Attraction Practitioner 2013
Global Sciences Foundation Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner 2013
Universal Life Church Monastery 2010
The Robert Shields College Clinical Hypnotherapy 2006
The Robert Shields College Fear Elimination Therapy 2006
The Chios Institute Chios Master Teacher 2005
The Lilac Center for Healing and Enlightenment Shambhala Master 2004
World Light Fellowship/The Reunification Church 2004
Spirit Space Mediumship 2004
The International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC)
International Membership of Professional Advisors, Coaches, and Trainers (IMPACT)
Association for Ethical and Professional Hypnotherapists
American Board of Hypnotherapy
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