We are quickly approaching the New Year as we all recover from the Christmas frenzy energies! It continues to be a time of celebration and excitement… of pleasure and possibilities. This is also a perfect time for reflection and feeling into what you truly desire to create as you move into this new year. It’s the perfect time of year for those of us who choose to be conscious co-creators. It’s the time to take stock of what was created, what worked well, what didn’t turn out as planned, and what you learned that you will take with you into the New Year. Setting the intention for what 2024 can be is a huge energetic statement. This doesn’t need to be a daunting task though. The more playful you can be with the process, the better. Here is the process I like to take myself through. Feel free to use it, or adapt it to make it more you. The important thing is to do it! CHOOSE to make 2024 the year that you create your most delicious life to date!

Step 1 is all about celebration. Take the time to journal all the wonderful things/experiences that 2023 held. And while the past year may have been stressful for whatever reason, there are wonderful things that happened for you as well if you are willing to look for them! What are you most proud of? Why? How much have you grown? What did you do that you’ve never done before? Allow yourself to revel in the energy of celebration. What you’ve accomplished is awesome and needs to be recognized! By acknowledging all the wonderful things/experiences, you are energetically telling the Universe/God(ess)/Source that you are ready for more good things to come into your experience. I also highly recommend dancing to celebrate! Kool and the Gang's “Celebration” is a great song for this purpose.


Step 2 is all about recognizing the lessons, the shifts, what you’ve learned. What beliefs needed to shift for you? What fears, if any, did you overcome? If you judged something as having “stopped” you, re-examine that experience to decipher what you learned from it. Did it promote further clarity? Did it highlight a mindset you needed to cultivate? What did you take away from it that will propel you forward? What qualities did these experiences ask you to examine within yourself or cultivate anew? Express your gratitude for all you’ve learned. These are gifts and while you may not have asked for them directly, you gained valuable knowledge/insight and that is something for you to appreciate and express your gratitude. When you bask in the energy of appreciation and gratitude, which is a very high vibration, it puts you into alignment with all your desires…everything you want to create. We all know how powerful the energy of appreciation is!


The third and final step is all about designing what you want 2024 to bring. Examine the five major areas (houses) of your life:








Spend time imagining what you want in those areas. Make the images rich, real for you. Utilize all 5 senses. Let your imagination take you. If you do this process via meditation, journal the images/scenes you create in your mind. Once you’ve done this for all 5 areas, it’s time to write your gratitude letter. This letter is to be dated December 2024. Write out all the images/scenes that you created as though they’ve already happened, making sure to consistently indicate how happy and thankful you are for all those wonderful things/experiences and how deeply meaningful and fulfilling they were. Once the letter is written to your satisfaction, clearly communicating all you are looking to create in 2024, put it into an envelope, seal it and put it away. Imagine how much fun it will be to pull it out and open it up in December 2024 and see all that came to pass!


I hope you have a lot of fun with this exercise. If you did it for 2023, take out your letter and read it, if you haven't already! What came to pass? I cannot wait to hear about the wonderful lives you are creating in 2024. I wish all of you a happy, healthy, abundant and delicious 2024!


Call to Action


My mentor’s request to you is that you take yourself through this process and really look at:


What worked?

What didn’t work?

What did you learn?

What will you do differently in 2024?

How will you choose to create in 2024?


As always, please feel free to share your “AHAs” with me. However, if this type of a process is something you struggle with OR you start out the year “On Fire” but lose steam as the year progresses, then you want to listen closely as I have 2 opportunities to share with you.


My work is for the professional woman who is ready to own and embrace ALL of herself (the good, the bad, and the ugly), Embrace her Core Goddess Energies and fully embody them, who knows what it means to invest in herself and is ready, willing, and able to do so. She is ready to get off the hamster wheel and get on with all she knows she is here to do. She's tired of getting in her own way. She understands her energy is paramount to getting things done. She MUST be aligned or she fizzles out. If this sounds like you and you are ready to dig DEEP to uncover what gets in the way of your desires energetically, I have space for 2 Private Clients as we enter 2024! Just reach out to me and we'll have a chat to explore the possibilities around working privately with me.


The second opportunity is a Membership in sacred circle called the Pleasure and Possibilities Goddess Circle. The purpose of this circle is to create a community where you feel seen, supported, and safe to express. We are all craving connection with women of like mind and the Membership fulfills this craving. Of course, DANCE is featured in the Membership as we will have a monthly DANCE experience – Groove and Conscious dancing! There is a forum in the Membership area for connection and we will also have a monthly Healing Circle where we come together and talk about whatever needs to be expressed and witnessed as we journey together. You will also have access to courses and activations included in your membership. Courses in the area as of now are Discover Your Goddess Energies and Attracting Abundance along with meditations and hypnosis audios coming in 2024. Investment in the Membership is still only $19.95 per month or $200 annually and the price will be increasing at the end of January 2024. If you have any questions about the Membership, I invite you to reach out to me , and we'll have a chat to explore the possibilities around your participation in this very special Membership!



I look forward to serving you in 2024!